08/07/2019 / By Mike Adams
It’s now obvious the malicious, toxic media is pushing a “white supremacist” hoax in a desperate scheme to drive America into a civil war. The entire left-wing media has now become nothing more than a hate machine that’s spreading its “daily hate” to radicalize left-wing Americans into an unprecedented level of hatred, insanity and violence.
This is their plan. They are not journalists, and they aren’t covering the news. They are pushing maximum hate while hoping it will spark more violence.
We now know, for example, that the mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio had attended Antifa rallies and was motivated by left-wing talking points that were amplified by the left-wing media. As reported by The Post Millennial:
Screenshots of a Dayton man’s Twitter account appear to confirm that the shooter responsible for the horrific massacre at a Dayton restaurant was a proud leftist, according to his Twitter account’s own description.
The account, @iamthespookster, has a number of tweets placing him in the Dayton Ohio area. Photos posted by the @iamthespookster account bear a striking resemblance to confirmed photos of the shooter, and followed a number of left-wing accounts, such as the Democratic Socialists Association of Dayton. The account also liked and retweeted a number of tweets that suggested he sympathized with Antifa.
Yet the left-wing media all but refuses to cover the political leanings of the Dayton shooter. Instead, the media focuses on the shooter’s skin color, touting the idea that “white people” are responsible for all the mass shootings in America. The “white people” term then gets deliberately conflated with “white supremacy” or “white nationalism” and the toxic media screams in unison that white supremacists are shooting up America. It’s all a lie, of course. A damned, deliberate lie.
Just on skin color alone, the narrative that white people are responsible for all the mass shootings in America is pure nonsense. One researcher has compiled the photos of all the mass shooters that have been arrested or killed so far in 2019, and the compilation shows anything but “white supremacy.”
As you can see, the majority of mass shooters actually have dark skin color, not white skin. This is conveniently ignored by the media by skipping over all the black-on-black violence in gun control cities like Chicago, where mass shootings are carried out nearly every weekend, almost like clockwork. Somehow, from the point of view of the media, Chicago mass shootings don’t count because they’re usually carried out by black people.
Further supporting the truth that most mass shooters aren’t white people, data from Mass Shooting Tracker shows that, among all the mass shooters in 2019 so far, 51% were black, 29% were white and 11% were Latino. Paul Joseph Watson reports from InfoWars.com:
Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield gathered the crucial data which confirms that mass shootings are not a “white man’s” problem.
He points out that while blanket media attention was focused on the shootings in El Paso and Dayton, 60 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend while Baltimore just reached its 200th murder victim of the year.
“51% of mass shooters in 2019 were black, 29% were white, and 11% were Latino. Three mass shooters were Asian, two were American Indian and one was Arab.”
Many mass shootings in predominantly black areas that claimed black victims also remain unsolved, meaning the figures are if anything “vastly understated.”
The white population of the U.S. is around 61 per cent, African-Americans make up just shy of 13 per cent and Hispanics around 18 per cent.
Most mass shootings (where there are 4 or more victims) are gang-related shootings. By excising these shootings from the record, the media is able to pin the blame on white people.
Tucker Carlson: White supremacy is "actually not a real problem in America." Calling white supremacy and issue is "a hoax" and "a conspiracy theory used to divide the country" pic.twitter.com/ydzmJ0L7UI
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) August 7, 2019
As all intelligent Americans have come to realize, real facts don’t matter to the toxic mainstream media. Fake news media outlets like CNN, the NYT, MSNBC and the Washington Post long ago decided to abandon real journalism and just print anything that might damage Trump.
That’s how they fabricated the three-year Russia collusion hoax that falsely claimed, without any supporting evidence, that Russia somehow stole the 2016 election. It was all a coordinated hoax.
When that hoax fell apart, they shifted to claiming Trump is a “racist” because he wants to secure America’s borders. For weeks, all we heard from the toxic media was an endless stream of “racism” accusations.
After they wore out the term “racist,” they’ve now switched to “white supremacist.” And they’ve gone completely insane with their hatred and accusations. According to the left-wing media:
Absurdly, according to the media, even the Dayton shooter — a left-wing, Antifa-supporting, Elizabeth Warren-supporting radical — is proof that Trump is a white supremacist.
Remember, this is the same media that told us it’s wrong to condemn all illegals for the violent actions of a few illegals. But somehow they think it’s perfectly okay to paint all Trump supporters as racists and white supremacists because one shooter in El Paso reportedly posted a manifesto that called for the segregation of blacks and whites. That position, by the way — segregation — is the position of Democrats, not Republicans. It was Democrats who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was Democrats who opposed school integration, and it was Democrats who ran the KKK. But again, the lies of the media have twisted everything upside down to the point where the average American today literally believes Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat!
Truly, the toxic mainstream media has devolved into nothing but a cartel of journo-terrorism. Their goal now has nothing to do with reporting the news; it’s actually all about burning down America and sparking a violent civil war.
Their daily hate broadcasts are designed to whip up hatred and violence across the country. They want a civil war to break out, and they are willing to lie, smear and run a nationwide psyop in order to achieve that goal. The real philosophy of the radical Left is that if they can’t run the country, they’re going to burn it down. They quite literally want to see America turned to rubble, and they want to see more mass shootings. That’s why every single left-wing politician (such as Beto) and journalist seems almost giddy with excitement about mass shootings as they’re breaking in the news cycle. They like the outbreaks of violence. They are actively trying to promote it.
This is why, by the way, President Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act and unleash the military police to arrest and prosecute all the journo-terrorists who are deliberately trying to rip this country apart. They are not journalists, and they aren’t the free press. They are domestic enemies and journo-terrorists who are actively trying to cause mass violence by carrying out a dangerous, malicious psyop (psychological operation) to whip up maximum hatred and violence across America.
Consider the fact that a former CNN host is now openly calling for the “eradication” of all Trump supporters. And Twitter, for its part, openly approves of that tweet, refusing to ban it. Can you imagine the outcry if some conservative called for the “eradication” of Obama supporters? Or transgenders? Twitter would instantly ban their channel, and there would be a nationwide outcry against the bigotry and racism of the statement. But when Leftists call for the extermination of all Trump supporters, or gun owners, or Christians or conservatives, that’s considered “tolerant” by the insane, deranged Left. And that speech is approved and allowed by all the tech giants like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, all of which are actively conspiring with the left-wing media to promote violence against conservatives while celebrating Antifa as a group of heroic “resistance” fighters.
A former CNN employee tweeted over the weekend that Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is an “evil” whom Americans “need to eradicate,” yet Twitter has decided the comment doesn’t violate its own standards against posting hate.
The tweet is still up, and The Daily Wire reports that a Twitter official who wasn’t authorized to speak on the record told them that “this tweet does not break our rules at this time.”
Twitter’s tolerance seems to be the latest case of political double-standards at the social media giant, which holds the mere act of “misgendering” someone — i.e., referring to a user by his sex rather than his preferred “gender identity” — to be “hateful conduct.”
The hatred and insanity of the radical Left is now so out of control that posters are appearing across New York City that demand “death camps” for all Trump supporters:
This is the new Left: They claim to be “tolerant” while they demand their political opponents be disarmed, then railroaded into actual death camps. And if you disagree with this, you are labeled a “white supremacist.” YOU are the danger to society, you see, for opposing the genocidal agenda of the lunatic Left.
Similarly, left-wing politicians are now distributing “hit lists” of Trump donors, practically calling for them to be shot and killed by deranged Antifa leftists. For example, a Texas Democrat named Joaquin Castro has now distributed a hit list of Trump donors in San Antonio. As reported by The Gateway Pundit:
Disagree with them and THEY WILL DESTROY YOU…
Democrat Rep. Joaquin Castro published a hit list of names and professions of EVERY MAJOR TRUMP DONOR in his city of San Antonio.
This comes two days after two deadly mass shootings!
Joaquin published this hit list of local Republicans.
And Joe Biden now admits that if he’s elected President, he’s going to dispatch armed federal agents to go door to door, confiscating guns from law-abiding Americans. As reported by Big League Politics:
Former Vice President Joe Biden wants to come after so-called “assault weapons.” In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday, Biden says gun owners have every reason to be worried about their gun rights under his administration. Cooper started off the interview by saying “So to gun owners out there who say well, a Biden administration means they’re going to come for my guns.”
Biden quickly responded “Bingo”.
In other words, Joe Biden (and many other Democrats) now openly admit that their goal is to dispatch armed federal agents to put their guns in your face and take your guns away, leaving federal agents with a monopoly over all guns. How convenient for the part that wants to send conservatives to concentration camps, isn’t it? Genocide is always so much easier when the intended targets are disarmed first.
At what point do Democrats realize they are marching in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich? That’s what they have become: Deranged, violent lunatics calling for death camps and the mass disarmament, then the mass killing, of their political enemies.
If these lunatics are allowed to gain power in America, they will destroy this nation and lead us all to a devastating, bloody civil war from which no one will escape unharmed. And that’s the goal of Democrats and the left-wing media. They despise America and want to see it destroyed.
Tagged Under:
civil war, deception, Fact Check, fake news, hoax, Journalism, journo-terrorism, lies, propaganda, psyop, white spremacy
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